Installation Guide

FitsGeo works under any operating system with Python 3 interpreter and pip tool.

If you are familiar with Python and pip tool, simply type following command to install the FitsGeo package:

$ pip install fitsgeo


$ pip3 install fitsgeo

If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 versions.

If you are a less advanced user, read the rest of the page.

Installation guide is divided in two parts: prerequisites (mainly Python installation) and main package installation.

Prerequisites — Python interpreter

First user need to check if Python interpreter is already installed. Try if one of the following commands (printing Python version) works:

$ python --version
$ python3 --version

Command python invokes either Python 2 or 3, while python3 invokes only Python 3.

FitsGeo supports only modern Python 3 versions starting from version 3.7. Please check if interpreter version is supported.

If none of python and python3 commands are present, then Python interpreter has to be installed. It is better to use the newest available version.

Python 3 installation

The best way to install Python under Linux is to use package manager:

  • apt-get install python3 for Debian and Ubuntu

  • dnf install python3 for Fedora

  • yum install python3 for CentOS and SLC

On some systems instructions mentioned above have to be prefixed with sudo command.

For Windows or macOS please visit official Python webpage for installation instructions.

Prerequisites — pip tool

pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages. This tool automatically downloads the packages from central Internet repository and installs them.

Try the following commands (printing pip version) in console, to make sure that pip tool is installed:

$ pip --version
$ pip3 --version

In a similar way to Python interpreter pip is a tool for Python 2 or 3, while pip3 works exclusively for Python 3. If none of these commands are present, then pip has to be installed.

pip installation

Follow the package installation for your Linux system. On some systems instructions mentioned below have to be prefixed with sudo command:

  • apt-get install python3-pip for Debian and Ubuntu

  • dnf install python3-pip for Fedora

  • yum install python3-pip for CentOS and SLC

For Windows and macOS please visit official Python webpage for installation instructions.

Installation FitsGeo via pip

After you get Python and pip tool FitsGeo package can be installed. On some systems commands mentioned below have to be prefixed with sudo command:

$ pip install fitsgeo

To upgrade the FitsGeo to newer version, simply type:

$ pip install --upgrade fitsgeo

To completely remove FitsGeo from your system, use following command:

$ pip uninstall fitsgeo

Now FitsGeo package should be installed for all users and can be invoked in Python script by typing:

import fitsgeo

Getting FitsGeo via GitHub

Alternative way of getting FitsGeo is to clone repository from GitHub.

FitsGeo can be downloaded directly from github webpage using the web browser or via command line:

$ git clone

Make sure that git is installed.

Now one can use FitsGeo from root directory, or, FitsGeo can be installed from command line from root directory via pip:

$ pip install .

Still, it is recommended to use installation using pip tool, described above. It makes it easy upgrade and uninstallation procedures.

Getting FitsGeo examples

All scripts with examples located in examples directory of GitHub FitsGeo repository. Detailed explanation of examples’ code provided in User’s Guide.